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New Year in Flamingo Grand Hotel & SPA 5*

Publicat pe 07 10 2022 Valabil pana la 28 12 2022


New Year Eve in Flamingo Grand Hotel & SPA 5*, Albena Resort

Classical luxury in the hearth of Albena Resort with discount up to 10% for early bookings until 18th of November 2022!

Welcome the New Year 2023 in the emblematic Flamingo Grand Hotel & SPA 5* in Albena Resort. Enjoy your well-deserved relaxing moments with the beautiful Nature, panoramic views, 3 hot mineral swimming pools, SPA & Wellness complex, authentic culinary and fantastic musical program with the queen of the jazz Vera Chandelle, Romanian Eurovision star Mihai Traistariu, Tanya Boeva, Boyan Stoyanov and DJ Damage. And the most interesting point in the program – the live concert of the Bulgarian pop celebrity Vasil Naydenov.

Push the button and see the price for accommodation for 2 adults in the period 30.12.2022 – 01.01.2023

Book Now



  • DJ Party in the Night Club of the hotel


  • Breakfast
  • Animation for the children
  • Appetizer cocktail before the official dinner
  • Official New Year dinner with a 5 steps set menu in Ara Hall, prepared by chef Ivan Georgiev
  • New Year official dinner with Tanya Boeva, Mihai Traistariu, Vera Chandelle and Boyan Stoyanov


  • New Year Brunch
  • Animation for the children
  • Special concert of Vasil Naydenov and DJ Damage in Sea Hall, Maritim Paradise Blue Hotel 5*


  • DJ Party in the Night Club of the hotel

Spa & Wellness

While staying in the hotel you could enjoy 3 indoor hot mineral swimming pools, sauna, steam bath, fitness and relax zone in Elements SPA

Night Club

Flamingo Grand Hotel & SPA will entertain you with a glamorous nigh party in the Night Club on 30th of December and 2th of January.

Prices for accommodation, food and entertainment

2 days staying for 1 person

  • Studio Standard – 657 BGN (289 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Studio Deluxe. Executive and Superior - 667 BGN (289 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Corner Apartment  (2 guest at minimum) - 707 BGN (289 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Penthouse (2 guest at minimum) - 847 BGN (309 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)

3 days staying for 1 person:

  • Studio Standard – 776 BGN (334 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Studio Deluxe. Executive and Superior - 791 BGN (334 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Corner Apartment  (2 guest at minimum) - 851 BGN (334 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Penthouse (2 guest at minimum) - 1081 BGN (364 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)

4 days staying for 1 person:

  • Studio Standard – 895 BGN (379 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Studio Deluxe. Executive and Superior - 915 BGN (379 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Corner Apartment  (2 guest at minimum) - 995 BGN (379 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)
  • Penthouse (2 guest at minimum) - 1305 BGN (419 BGN for a child between 2 and 12 years old)

Push the button and see the price for accommodation for 2 adults in the period 30.12.2022 – 01.01.2023

Book Now

All the prices includes VAT and taxes

The offer includes:

  • Night and meal – breakfast and dinner in Essential Buffet Restaurant
  • Aperitif Cocktail Party before the official New Year Eve dinner
  • New Year Eve dinner in the Ara Hall with 5 steps set menu (special children menu, vegetarian menu on demand during registration)
  • New Year brunch on 1st of January and a concert of Vasil Naydenov
  • 3 Indoor hot mineral swimming pools, sauna, steam bath, fitness and relaxing zone in Elements SPA
  • Animation for the children

Extra Information

  • This offer could be combined with Priority Club Albena
  • Maximum staying guests at the studios – 2 adults + 2 children or 3 adults and 1 children (children or 3th adults are staying in an extra bed)
  • Children under 1.99 years old are staying for free

​>> 3th adult in a studio can use 20% discount from the price for accommodation. On 31th of December the price for the 3th adult with an official dinner is as follows:

  • Studio Standard – 426.20 BGN 
  • Studio Deluxe, Executive and Superior – 430.20 BGN 

>> Single accommodation fee is +50 BGN per day, only in Studios

Paying, cancelation and changing conditions:

  • 30% of the price as a deposit 5 calendar days after the reservation
  • 70% of the price 10 days before the arriving
  • Changing and cancelation of a reservation up to 14 days after the deposit – without penalty
  • Changing and cancelation more than 14 days of the deposit -100% penalty in the amount of  the deposit
  • Changing and cancelation  after 21th of December 2022 – 100% penalty in the amount of the price.
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