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    • Тraining camp
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Albena Multifunctional Sports Hall

Equipped for basketball or handball

1 training session BGN 120

5 training sessions BGN 540

10 training sessions BGN 960

Equipped for volleyball

1 hour - 1 playground BGN 80

1 hour - 3 playgrounds BGN 200

5 hours - 1 playground BGN 340

5 hours - 3 playgrounds BGN 850

Equipped for football

1 training session BGN 120

5 training sessions BGN 500

10 training sessions BGN 900

Equipped for tennis / badminton

1 court for 1 hour (maximum 4 players) BGN 35

1 court for 10 hours (subscription) BGN 250

3 courts for 1 hour (maximum 12 players) BGN 80

3 courts for 10 hours (subscription) BGN 800

Table tennis

1 hour BGN 10 (for one tennis table)

10 hours (subscription) BGN 90

Albena 1 Stadium

1 training session BGN 500

1 match (friendly) BGN 2,000

1 match of the State Championship BGN 2,500

1 match (European tournament or event) BGN 5,000

Albena 2 and Albena 3 Stadiums and Horizont Artificial Stadium

1 training session BGN 300

1 match BGN 1500

Obrochishte Stadiums

1 training session BGN 240

5 training sessions BGN 1,100 (BGN 220 per training session)

10 training sessions BGN 2,000 (BGN 200 per training session)

1 match BGN 1000


Courts - Kaliopa, Sandy Beach, Ralitsa, Kaliakra, Orchid, Flamingo

1 hour BGN 28

5 hours (subscription) BGN 135

10 hours (subscription) BGN 220

with lighting for 1 hour BGN 40


with lighting for 1 hour BGN 45



Indoor tennis in Albena sports hall

1 hour BGN 35

Tennis racket for 1 hour BGN 10

4 tennis balls BGN 7

Tennis racket braiding (stringing and labor) BGN 30

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