Terms and conditions

in Albena.bg
personal info
privacy agreement



1. General Terms and Conditions and Applicability

These general terms and conditions are applicable to all bookings made by a client – a natural person, a legal person, or another legal entity, at the hotels at Holiday Village Albena, operated and managed by “Albena” AD, Unified ID Code (ЕИК) 834025872, VAT № BG834025872, with headquarters and registered address: village of Obrochishte, k.k. Albena, 9620, Balchik municipality, province of Dobrich, Administrative Building (“We” and “ALBENA”), made through the website www.albena.bg, the call center and hotel managers (all jointly referred to as the “Site”, “Website”, “Internet Page”), offering our hotel services. In the event of a booking of hotel accommodation, with or without the provision of food, these terms and conditions constitute a hotel services contract, within the meaning of the Trade Act and the Obligations and Contracts Act, entered into by “Albena” AD and the GUEST. The Tourism Act is applied respectively regarding the relevant provisions.

The contract between “Albena” AD and the GUEST is considered closed when the booking is confirmed by ALBENA. By making a booking, you confirm and accept these General Terms and Conditions for Booking and the time limits set forth herein regarding the check-in and payment, booking cancellation etc. These terms and conditions for booking oblige ALBENA to provide the demanded booking to the GUEST as per the data supplied by them through the booking form such as the name(s) of the GUEST or guests, hotel, time period, number of nights, number of adults and children and the age of the former. In the absence of a booking prepayment, ALBENA shall not be obligated to provide the service. You should also get acquainted with and agree to the General Terms and Conditions and the Security Policy adopted by ALBENA in order to finalize your booking.

2. Coming into effect

These Terms and Conditions are binding for ALBENA – as one counterparty, and the persons or entities who have finalized a booking through the website and / or a call centre, respectively the persons on whose behalf a booking has been made at the hotel (“GUEST(S)”, “You”) as the other counterparty. The General Terms and Conditions come into effect and are binding for the GUEST from the moment when the latter receives an email confirmation of the booking, whereas the obligations of ALBENA arise from the moment of receiving a full or partial payment as per the booking that has been made.

In the event of a booking on behalf of a legal person or another legal entity, the contract counterparty is the legal person respectively entity. When the booking has been made by a client on behalf of another person or other persons, the counterparty to the contract with ALBENA are all persons of age who will benefit from the service whereas the person who made the booking is jointly liable regarding the obligations of the GUEST(S).

3. Key Definitions

“Guest” is a natural person (including a tourist) who actually uses the services of ALBENA and / or has made a booking at the hotel personally or through a client. The guest is a counterparty to the contract with ALBENA.

“Client” is a person that made a booking at a hotel managed and operated by ALBENA. A client may be the guest but also the guest’s representative or proxy who will not personally use the services.

“Tourist” is a physical person who personally or via a client made bookings at ALBENA and / or uses services offered by ALBENA constituting a tourist package.

“Hotel Service” is a service constituting accommodation at the hotel with or without the provision of food.

“Additional Service” is a service which ALBENA renders to the GUEST such as but not limited to: car parking, car rental, services offered at the hotel etc.

“Booking” is the act of entering data electronically by the GUEST or a third party (a client) in a booking form as a result of which ALBENA and the GUEST enter remotely into a contract for the provision of a hotel service with or without the inclusion of an additional service.

“Force majeure circumstance” and “Force Majeure” constitute phenomena, acts, actions or inactions that arose in the area of accommodation location which may not be foreseen or avoided by a counterparty to the contract or by third parties who are involved in the provision of the services (partners of ALBENA, airline companies, etc.) such as strikes, armed political conflicts, terrorist acts, natural disasters, fire, earthquake, floods, government bans, acts, etc.

“Corporate Discount(s)” refer(s) to a discount determined by “Albena” AD on the basis of contractual and / or partner relations with a legal person or another entity. It is determined and governed through an internal company order of “Albena” AD. The person concerned should provide proof of being an employee of the company through which this person is entitled to that particular discount.

“Shareholder’s Discount” is a discount due to a natural person who has been the owner of at least 50 shares of the equity of “Albena” AD since at least 6 months prior to the date of booking. The person should prove being a shareholder by providing a receipt from the depository.

“Priority Club Discount” is a discount due to a person who is a member of Priority Club Albena with a valid membership as of the date of booking. The person should prove being a member using the unique number of their membership card.


4. Making a booking

When booking accommodation, the CLIENT should enter specific data in the electronic booking system. The bookings may require additional information about the tourist(s) and the selected services. All personal information that is entered in the booking forms is used only and solely for the need to carry out the booking. When filling in the requested information (personal data, period of stay, location of accommodation, number of guests), the booking system generates information about the booking, including the provision of food as well as the opportunity for a comment regarding the GUEST’s special requirements. The GUEST’s special requirements may be entered in the “Comments” field. The GUEST’s requests are fulfilled as per the hotel-keeper’s ability.

The booking is deemed complete after pressing the “Book” button and receiving a confirmation in the booking system that the booking is registered under a unique number. In the event of successful booking, the system generates an automatic confirmation for the booking with the possibility to be downloaded as well as containing information mandatory under the Tourism Act. In case that due to technical reasons these documents fail to be generated, please contact us and we will immediately forward them to you.

Albena Call Centre: +359 700 12 110;             Email: online@albena.bg

5. Booking Confirmation

Immediately after the booking but no later than 24 hours after making it, the client will receive by email at the address they have indicated a booking confirmation jointly with the main data from that booking as well as instructions for prepayment. The confirmation also contains an excerpt of these General Terms and Conditions. The terms and conditions of the booking (regarding the period of stay, price, payment, terms of cancelations and modifications) are binding for the GUEST from the moment of the booking confirmation, and for ALBENA – from the moment of receiving the prepayment of part or the entire booking as per the specific terms. Most services offered by ALBENA should be partially or fully prepaid for their execution to be guaranteed. Please refer to Section 6 and Section 8 of the General Terms and Conditions.

In the event that, due to technical reasons, these documents fail to be generated, please contact us and we will immediately forward them to you.

Albena Call Centre: +359 700 12 110;             Email: online@albena.bg

6. Booking Price and Payment Method

The prices of services offered by ALBENA are in Bulgarian leva and comprise VAT. The tourist tax due shall be collected later by the hotel manager together with the price of the booked services and said manager shall forward the tourist tax proceeds to the municipality of Balchik. The price of the selected service is indicated at the time of booking and in certain cases may be converted for information purposes from Bulgarian leva into Euros at the exchange rate of the Bulgarian Central Bank as of the day of booking. The amount is to be paid in leva no later than the time limit stipulated in the reservation and the payment is deemed to have been made when the amount is in ALBENA’s bank account. The failure to pay within the specified time limit shall be treated by ALBENA as cancelation on the part of the GUEST in which case Section 8.1 of these General Terms and Conditions shall apply and at ALBENA’s discretion the booking may be deleted or unilaterally cancelled by us. Services not paid within the time limit do not give rise to obligations on the part of ALBENA. The accommodation for children aged between 0 and 1.99 years is free of charge, and these are not described as independent guests. The information related to them should be entered by the client in the “Comments” field when making the booking. Children aged between 2 and 11.99 years (age at the time of the stay at the hotel) are entitled to special discounts. To use these discounts, it is necessary to indicate at the time of booking the number of children and the system will automatically calculate the price of booking. Children up to 11.99 years of age (age at the time of the stay at the hotel) are charged the special price, whereas children who have turned 12 years (age at the time of the stay at the hotel) are charged adult prices. In the event of incorrect information, when checking in the GUEST pays the difference up to the full value of the booking on the basis of reception desk rates at the time of checking in, without discounts.

The payment of bookings and other services takes place once or in instalments as per the specific offer you are considering. The method of payment is indicated in the offer itself as well as in the email confirming the booking. The price includes the services as stated in the booking form for the specific period of stay, selected rooms, and number of guests. The meal plan is indicated for each specific booking. In cases where the price includes food, this is stated explicitly in the booking order.

The payment can be made using one of the following methods: 

  • With a credit or debit card;
  • Еpay.bg 
  • By bank transfer:

Bank account in Bulgarian LEVA

Unicredit Bulbank

IBAN: BG43 UNCR 7000 10AL BENA 16




Bank account in Euros

Unicredit Bulbank

IBAN: BG47 UNCR 9660 14AL BENA 03




All fees and charges for bank transfers and currency conversion are at the expense of the payer. ALBENA shall not consider a payment as a fully paid booking if the amount that arrives in the company’s bank account is smaller than the booking price stated in the booking confirmation.

In case of any payment not using the bank transfer method, the transaction is processed by payment institutions and ALBENA does not receive any data regarding your credit or debit cards. When paying with a bank card, the GUEST must enter into the payment form the complete data about the bank card used to make the payment – card number, expiry date, CVC / CVV security code, personal secret password for 3D identification. By providing the needed data, the GUEST or the third party identifies themselves, confirms the payment amount and orders the card account to be debited with the payment amount and to be transferred to ALBENA’s account. The client may not dispute a payment confirmed by entering a specific identification password (CVC / CVV security code, personal secret password for 3D identification or another identification password / code) or a payment confirmed by entering a 6-digit code to access the mobile application.

In the event of payments via PayPal or similar payment systems or payment via a bank or by card, ALBENA is not liable for any expenses concerning fees, commissions or other additional charges borne by the Client because of the transaction, as well as in the event of currency exchange, as applied by the bank that has issued the client’s card in the cases in which the currency is different from Bulgarian leva (BGN).

Card payments on the website are treated as international payments by the banks in Bulgaria. According to their rules for work with cards and card payments for such types of transactions, some banks charge additional fees. The expenses associated with such payments are borne solely by the Client. Therefore, ALBENA recommends to its clients to check with their bank regarding eventual additional fees that the client could be charged with when paying online or regarding fees for a bank transfer for services offered on the site.

ALBENA, after receiving the payment, issues an invoice for the service to the person indicated by the Client / Guest. With several payment instalments, a separate invoice is issued for each payment.

The features or the prices of services may change at any time. Due to technical reasons, it is possible that they contain errors for which ALBENA apologizes in advance to its consumers and clients that ALBENA is not liable in the event of errors.


7. Promotions – Rebates, Discounts and Package Prices

ALBENA reserves the right to announce promotional prices. The promotional offers are valid only for newly booking guests, under the respective conditions, and may not be a reason for a demand on the part of the GUEST to reduce the price or a justification for claims. In the cases when ALBENA’s site features special offers (lower prices) for a specific hotel and period, the amounts prepaid are non-refundable. Before you book, please carefully check the terms of the offer.


8. Prepaying the booking

In order to guarantee a specific booking, the GUEST or the client should pay in advance a certain part of the total booking amount or the entire amount. The absence of a prepayment does not give rise to an obligation on the part of ALBENA whereas it does not exempt the GUEST from paying the amount due and adhering to these terms and conditions. ALBENA reserves the right to demand payment, legal interest as well as penalty payments whenever applicable.

Unless otherwise stated at the time of booking, the guest should pay in advance a deposit equal to 50% (fifty percent) of the total amount of the booking within a 30-day period from the confirmation of the booking. The remainder of the sum due shall be paid no later than 30 days before the day of arrival and by all means before the GUEST checks in on site at the ALBENA holiday village.

With last-minute bookings for proximate arrivals (fewer than 30 days between the booking date and the arrival date), the amount due on the booking shall be paid no later than on the day before the arrival and by all means before the guest checks in, whereas in this case, in the absence of prepayment, ALBENA does not guarantee confirmed bookings that have not been prepaid. Failure to pay leads to the automatic cancelation of the booking. Prepayment equal to 100% (hundred percent) may be required for promotional offers as well as for last-minute bookings with this being explicitly pointed out at the time of and after making the booking.

If the GUEST did not pay or did not adhere to payment deadlines, ALBENA has the right without the consent of the client, to cancel unilaterally the booking as well as to assume that the client cancelled the booking.

In this case, ALBENA is not accountable to the GUEST and / or the client and shall not owe indemnities or penalties.


9. Booking Cancelation Policy


9.1. Booking Cancelation by the GUEST

Unless otherwise stated in the booking, it may be cancelled (annulled) within 14 days from the date of paying the deposit or the date of confirming the booking - in the absence of a payment on the part of the GUEST or the client. Before you book, please carefully check the terms of the booking.

The cancelation should be made by sending in a filled-in cancelation form to ALBENA and also by sending an email to: online@albena.bg. The claim should contain the booking number as well as data about the guests and the period of stay. Bookings made on the website of albena.bg may be cancelled also through the booking panel by following on the link leading to your booking and the “Cancel booking” button. You will be informed about the successful cancelation of the booking.

If the cancelation is made within the aforementioned time limit, the amount paid by the GUEST or the client shall be refunded within a 14-day period from receiving the cancelation notification. For cancelations beyond that time limit, ALBENA shall keep the paid deposit or a larger portion of the price paid under the terms and conditions stated below.

Please note! Dependent on the type of service chosen, the period of stay and the terms of the booking, the specifically chosen offer may foresee a different policy for cancelling the booking by the GUEST. According to the cancelation policy applicable to the booking, the cancelation may involve the full or partial refund of the amount paid or withholding from it.

If nothing is explicitly stated in the offer, a Free Refund policy is applicable with free cancelation within 14 days from the date of paying the deposit or from the date of confirming the booking – in the absence of a payment by the GUEST or the client; and in the event of cancelation after this time limit, the terms described in the table below shall apply.


The cancelation policies may be as follows:

  • Free Refund – free-of-charge cancelation of the booking (i) up to 14 days from the date of paying the deposit in case of partial payment; or (ii) up to 14 days of from the date of confirming the booking – in the absence of payment. When cancelling after this time limit, a certain percentage of the total booking amount or the entire booking amount shall be withheld as penalty (see Table 1 below).

Time of cancelation


14 days from the date of paying the deposit or 14 days from the date of confirming the booking – in the absence of payment


Free of charge

After the time limit for free-of-charge cancelation


20 % of the booking amount


Table 1            

  • No Refund – when cancelling at any time, you shall lose 100% of the paid deposit (or partially prepaid bookings) or 100% of the total amount of the booking (for bookings requiring full prepayment). Normally, the No Refund policy is applicable to special offers with lower prices with this being explicitly stated at the time of booking. (ACTIVE POLICY)
  • Free Refund Plus (travel cancelation) – free-of-charge cancelation up to 30 days before the stay in exchange for an extra payment for this option equal to 10% of the total booking amount. When an option for this policy is available, this is explicitly stated at the time of booking. The policy is applicable at the request of the GUEST also after an additional payment. After the expiration of the 30-day time limit, 20% of the booking amount shall be withheld. (INACTIVE POLICY – at the moment is not applied by “Albena” AD)


When refunding the amount paid, all expenses related to the bank transfer (bank charges and others) shall be borne by the GUEST or the client.


9.2. Booking Cancelation by ALBENA

ALBENA may unilaterally cancel the booking without owing indemnities or penalties in the event of:

9.2.1. full or partial failure to pay the booking on the part of the GUEST or the client within the contracted time limits and terms – in this case a refund of the paid part of the service (if applicable) is due only if the cancelation is within the time limits that foresee the refund of paid amounts (see Section 8.1);

9.2.2 a no-show by the GUEST on the day of stay – in this case, a refund of the paid portion of the service shall not be due, i.e. the no-show penalty is 100% of the amount paid;

9.2.3. if circumstances arise that prevent ALBENA from providing the booked services within the specified time limits due to reasons beyond the company’s control (a ban or another government act, natural disasters in the area of the hotel, an epidemic situation etc.) In this case, ALBENA shall offer to the GUEST a service of the same or higher quality for the same or other dates, and if the GUEST rejects it, ALBENA has the right, without a consent on the part of the GUEST or the client and without being held liable for that, to cancel the booking, in which case ALBENA shall refund 100% of the amount paid within 14 days of the cancelation. If the cancelation is due to a ban or restriction in connection with the Covid-19 coronavirus or another epidemiological situation, the time limit for refunding the paid amount in case the guest refuses to accept another offer is 1 year;

  • In case of conduct by the GUEST or the GUEST’s companion which from the standpoint of ALBENA or its representatives, counterparties and / or employees causes danger, stress, damages anger or serious discomfort to other GUESTS, employees, or partners, which is certified with a report or another document.

If ALBENA cancels the booking due to reasons for which it is accountable, the company offers to the GUEST an equivalent service under the same or similar conditions, whereas in case the GUEST rejects it, within 14 days ALBENA shall refund 100% of the booking paid.


The GUEST may be notified about a cancel booking by email or another means, including by a telephone call.


10. Booking Changes

Changes in the features of the services, the price, the payment terms and the cancelation policy are admissible only under the terms and conditions stated below. “The change may be subject to an additional charge.”

Every change in the booking on the part of the GUEST is allowed after the GUEST explicitly states that and it will be confirmed by ALBENA in exchange for a fee of 12 leva paid by the GUEST. The fee is charged and paid on site on the day of the GUEST’s arrival.

10а. Changing the period of stay


In case of changing dates and in the absence of a confirmation on the part of ALBENA, it is the original booking remains valid. The confirmation is required in order to ensure the provision of the service. If the new period selected by the GUEST features a price offer with a lower price, this offer shall not be applicable in the event of date changes. In case that the actual price for the new dates is higher and / or the new booking period happens to fall in a more expensive price period, the GUEST shall have to pay the price difference. The amount is charged and paid on site on the day of the GUEST’s arrival. A change of dates made by the GUEST is processed by ALBENA if this change is made at least 7 days before the check-in date as per the original booking.


10b. Changing the Number of Guests

Increasing the number of guests by the GUEST for the booking is allowed after a confirmation by ALBENA that the service can be provided with regards to the additional guests and after agreeing on the terms and amount of the additional payment. Decreasing the number of guests is allowed without owing frees and penalties if the change takes place during the free cancelation time period. After this time limit elapses, the number of guests can be reduced only after a confirmation by ALBENA and agreeing on the terms of the change, whereas in the absence of an agreement ALBENA shall not be obliged to refund the paid amounts and Section 9.2.2 of the General Terms and Conditions applies.


10c. Changing the Guests

Up to 7 days prior to the date of check-in, the GUEST may change the names of a guest who will use the service by notifying ALBENA by email or through another channel. In this case, the number of GUESTS remains unchanged. From this moment onward, the counterparty to the contract for services with the company is (are) the new GUEST(S). The person who transfers the contract and the person to whom the contract is transferred to are jointly responsible for paying the remainder of the sum as per the contract and all additional fees, taxes, or other supplemental expenses due to the transfer. Changing the GUEST(S) after the indicated time limit is deemed accepted by ALBENA only after an explicit confirmation on our part. An absence of a confirmation signifies that the change has not been accepted and in the event of a no-show of the guests, the rules in Section 9.2.2 shall apply.


10d. Changing an Accommodation Location with Another

10d.1. When the circumstances necessitate that, ALBENA may, up to 7 days before the starting the date of the stay, to change the accommodation location with another from the same or higher category, under the same terms regarding the accommodation and type of board, yet always in the ALBENA holiday village. By accepting these General Terms and Conditions, the GUEST agrees that this change is insignificant. In the absence of agreement, the GUEST may cancel the booking free of charge and receive back 100% of the amount the GUEST has paid or to accept a service – a substitute of the same or higher quality. ALBENA shall send a notification regarding the change to the GUEST by email, and within 3 days of receiving the email the GUEST shall notify ALBENA about their decision. In the absence of a reply by the GUEST shall signify that the GUEST has accepted the change. When accepting a service – a substitute with a lower price, the GUEST is entitled to a refund equal to the price difference.

10d.2. If the GUEST desires to change the accommodation location with another from the same and / or higher category, yet always in ALBENA holiday village, the GUEST may do so by sending an email to ALBENA explicitly expressing this desire, up to 7 days before the date of check in. if the accommodation location that is newly selected by the GUEST features a price offer with a lower price, this price offer is not applicable regarding the change, unless the counterparties reach a different agreement. In the event that the price of the new service is higher than that of the confirmed booking, the GUEST shall pay the difference on site before checking in at the hotel.

10e. Change in the Booking Price

The final booking price is not subject to change unless there is consent on the part of ALBENA and the GUEST, in writing, including by email.

The following cases are exceptions when the booking price may be increased or reduced by ALBENA if the company notifies the GUEST by email about the increase no later than 20 days before the stay, together with a justification and calculation of the increase respectively the decrease:

1. the price of passenger transportation which is the result of a change in the price of fuel or another energy source when the tourist service offered includes passenger transportation;

2. the size of the taxes or fees on the services included in the contract which taxes and fees are imposed by a third party that does not directly participate in the provision of services, including tourist taxes, VAT etc.; and

3. exchange rates related to paid tourist services when they are contracted in a foreign currency.

When the price increase exceeds 8 percent of the total service price, ALBENA offers the GUEST the option to accept the changes within a reasonable time limit, and in the event of non-acceptance, the GUEST may cancel the booking without fees and penalties OR request a replacement of the service with another of the same or higher quality. In case of cancelling the booking, ALBENA refunds all amounts received from the GUEST within 14 days of the booking termination.


10f. Other Changes

ALBENA and the GUEST may, following a mutual consent, including by email, change the order of the provision of individual services or the beginning or ending times of the service – for bookings including the provision of several services.


In case of a significant booking change by ALBENA and if the change concerns a substantial part of the service(s), ALBENA notifies the GUEST within 2 days of the change taking place but no later than 10 days before the starting date of the stay.

The GUEST has the right to:

i/ accept the changes which is certified by means of a supplementary agreement to this contract which reflects their effect on the price, or

ii/ reject the service and cancel the booking without having to pay penalties or indemnities. In this case, the GUEST may choose among one of the following options:

  • another accommodation of the same or higher quality, if this is possible;
  • a service of lower quality – in this case, ALBENA refunds the difference in the price between the cancelled service and the offered service;
  • refunding all the amounts paid by the GUEST as per the contract within 14 days of the date of the rejection notification.

11. No-Show on the Day of Check-In

If a GUEST, with partially or fully paid booking, does not arrive at the accommodation location by 11:59 pm on the specified arrival date and has not notified the hotel in advance, the GUEST will be considered a no-show. In the event of a no-show, the amounts paid are not refunded and ALBENA reserves the right to claim the difference between the paid part and the full booking price.


12. Check-In and Check-Out

Checking-in at the hotels is after 2 pm on the check-in day. Checking-out after the last night is until 11 am on the check-out day. All times are stated in local time. Bookings are kept until 11:59 pm on the respective day of arrival. For bookings with late check-in after 11:59 pm on the day of arrival which are not partially or fully prepaid, the hotel reception should be notified in writing (by email) or orally (by phone).


During the emergency epidemic situation (or during a state of emergency due to an epidemic / pandemic), every GUEST checked in a hotel operated and managed by ALBENA must sign  в declaration for holidays in the context of an epidemic / a pandemic,  and to be submit it at the reception desk. This declaration is a compulsory component of each booking. ALBENA reserves the right to cancel unilaterally and without owing any penalties, indemnities, and / or fees for that to the GUEST if the GUEST refuses the sign and / or submit the declaration pursuant to this paragraph.

The category of hotels is determined according to the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria. Information about the amenities and services offered by each hotel is provided by the hotels themselves at the date of their enrolment in the booking system and may be found at the following internet address:  https://albena.bg/bg/hoteli.

Some of the rooms permit us to accommodate one child free of charge. The opportunities are for a folding baby cot for children up to 1.99 years (age at the time of checking in), which is subject to no extra charge, or an extra bed in the form of a convertible sofa and / or armchair for children from 2 to 11.99 years (age at the time of checking in), which is included in the total price. A supplementary cot is provided only if ALBENA’s team confirms, when asked in advance by the GUEST, that this is possible.


13. Transfer

An individual or group transfer can be added to a booking for an extra charge.

Transfers a price for which has been contracted with the GUEST and which have not been used for a reason beyond ALBENA’s responsibility such as for instance a refusal on the part of the GUEST, a delay by the principal carrier (the airline, coach or railway companies) or other providers of transportation services, are not subject to a refund, their cost shall not be indemnified and shall not constitute grounds for a claim on the part of the GUEST. If the GUEST calls with sufficient time in advance before the starting time of the contracted transfer and ALBENA can organize the transfer despite the delay, the transfer shall be provided without additional charges for the GUEST.


14. Types of Board

The hotels at ALBENA provide to their guests a variety of board types. Dependent on the choice you have made, we can offer:

All Inclusive (Al) – includes breakfast, lunch, afternoon (late) snack* and dinner buffet style as well as drinks during the specified opening hours – soft drinks and alcohol made in Bulgaria. All drinks are in limitless supply. A guest with a minimum of 7 nights with an AI board has the right to book at one of the restaurants forming part of the Dine Around program, once for lunch and once for dinner during their stay at the ALBENA holiday village. Please check for more information.

On their day of arrival, the guests start with lunch if they book the All Inclusive board.

All Inclusive Plus (Al+) – contains everything included in the All Inclusive (AI) boards well as daily access to the “Aquamania” aquapark during the stay at the ALBENA holiday village. A guest with a minimum of 7 nights with an Al+ board has the right to book at one of the restaurants forming part of the Dine Around program, once for lunch and once for dinner. Please check for more information.

On their day of arrival, the guests start with lunch if they book the AI+ board. 

Premium All Inclusive (PrAI) –  includes everything contained in the All Inclusive (AI) board as well as an assorted selection of imported alcohol, extended opening hours for the bars, additional restocking of the minibar. A guest with a minimum of 7 nights with a PrAI board has the right to book at one of the restaurants forming part of the Dine Around program, once for lunch and once for dinner. Please check for more information.

On their day of arrival, the guests start with lunch if they book the PrAI board.  

Ultra All Inclusive (UAI) – includes everything from the All Inclusive (AI) board but also imported alcohol, extended opening hours for the bars and restaurants, additional restocking of the minibar. A guest with a minimum of 7 nights with a UAI boar and booked hotel Kaliakra Beach (only), is entitled to a free one-day visit to “Aquamania” aquapark during their stay at the ALBENA holiday village. A guest with a minimum of 7 nights with UAI has the right to book at one of the restaurants forming part of the Dine Around program, once for lunch and once for dinner. Please check for more information.

On their day of arrival, the guests start with lunch if they book the UAl board.

Breakfast (BB) – includes breakfast and free drinks during the breakfast: tea, coffee, water, juice from a dispenser machine.

Half Board (НВ) – includes two meals, breakfast and dinner, as well as free drinks during the breakfast: tea, coffee, water, juice from a dispenser machine. The dinner does not include drinks.

Full Board (FB) – includes breakfast, lunch and dinner as well as free drinks during breakfast: tea, coffee, water, juice from a dispenser machine. Lunch and dinner do not include drinks.

Room Only (BO) – includes only the accommodation at the chosen accommodation location.


15. Liability

15.1. Liability of ALBENA

“Albena” AD is responsible for all hotel services offered by the company and is obligated to provide the services as per confirmed booking. If there arise circumstances that prevent “Albena” AD from providing the services in conformity with the confirmed booking and / or within the contracted time limits due to reasons beyond the company’s control, section 10 and the subsequent subsections 10a – 10f apply.

If the provision of the so offered replacement of one service with another requires the consent of all guests as per the booking, the substitution enters into effect only if all guests of age agree.

If the GUEST does not accept the offered service substitute, the guest may cancel the booking without owing fees and / or penalties for the cancelation. In this case, ALBENA is obligated to refund 100% of the amounts paid by the GUEST after deducting the cost of the services already used.

If the GUEST accepts the offered replacement of one service with another which has the same as or higher value than the initially confirmed service, it is deemed that the GUEST accepts the substitution as offered and has no material or moral claims towards “Albena” AD in this respect. When the service offered as a substitution is of lower value than the initially confirmed service, the GUEST is entitled to a refund of the difference in the value of the initially booked service and the service that was actually provided.

“Albena” AD shall not be held contractually liable and shall not assume expenses related to the consumption of food and drinks which are supplied outside the package of services paid with the booking.


ALBENA shall not be held liable regarding persons younger than 18 years of age (children) left without supervision.

For a pleasant and calm stay, please take care of your children!


The size of the indemnities and penalties owed by ALBENA for bad, incorrect execution and non-execution may not exceed the value of the prepayment (for partially paid bookings) respectively the value of the booking (for fully paid bookings).


15.2.  Responsibility of the GUEST(S)

The GUEST who has made a booking at a hotel operated and managed by ALBENA, respectively the GUEST on whose behalf the booking is made, shall pay the full value of the booked service within the time limits and amounts as set in the booking, and in dependent on the specific case, the GUEST shall make a full or partial prepayment which is explicitly indicated in the booking itself. If nothing has been arranged in the booking, the GUEST shall pay 20% of the total booking value (a deposit) to “Albena” AD in advance, within 30 days of confirming the booking, and the remainder at the latest by the day of checking in. Each of the guests as well as the person who made the booking, if different from the GUEST, is responsible for paying the booking. Each person’s responsibility is joint. In case of a failure pay the booking within the time limit, ALBENA has the right to cancel the booking without any obligation to pay indemnities or penalties to the GUEST.

For all damages caused by the GUEST(S), payment is due in accordance with retail prices as applied by “Albena” AD as of the date when the damage was inflicted. Damages inflicted on items that constitute the accommodation place or on items located therein and / or on the amenities thereto (swimming pools, sports grounds, common areas etc.) or on other property made available to the guests to use (i.e. vehicles) on the grounds of the Albena resort complex, are at the expense of the GUEST who shall assume material responsibility for the damage and owes an indemnity to “Albena” AD. The responsibility for damages by a GUEST, regardless whether the holder of the booking yet is using the services at the Albena resort complex, is borne jointly by the GUEST who has inflicted the damages and the GUEST who has made the booking on the basis of which the former has checked in.


All damages inflicted by the GUEST(S) are recorded in a report signed by a representative of “Albena” AD, the GUEST(S) who inflicted the damages or the person in whose name the booking was made. If the GUEST(S) who inflicted the damages or the person in whose name the booking was made refuse to sign the report, then the report shall be signed also by two witnesses who may also be employees of “Albena” AD. The report constitutes  proof of the inflicted damage when the report contains the signature of at least one of the persons enumerated herein: the GUEST(S) who inflicted the damage, the person in whose name was made the booking, two witnesses instead of the former two categories.

Regarding the damages certified as per these General Terms and Conditions, “Albena” AD shall issue an invoice to the GUEST(S) which the GUEST(S) shall pay within 5 (five) business days from receiving it.


When the GUEST does not honour the time limits for paying the deposit and the payment of the remaining amounts, or the time limits for providing the necessary data or documents, as well as when the GUEST refuses the services (cancels services) regardless of the specific reason, ALBENA has the right to cancel the services unilaterally and to withhold penalties as per Section 9.1 dependent on the day on which the service is cancelled. If a deposit was paid for the booking, ALBENA has the right to withhold it in full as well as to apply the terms for cancellation as described in Section 9.1.


The payment for booked but partially or fully unused services due to reasons beyond ALBENA’s control shall not be refunded to the GUEST.


16. Waiver of Liability

Neither of the parties to the booking contract shall be held liable before the other party if the contract execution has been impeded by force majeure circumstances which the affected party could not have logically foreseen and which consequences are beyond its control, except for the settlement of payments. The damages caused by the force majeure are borne by the affected party to this contract. Both parties to the contract shall undertake joint action to reduce the negative consequences due to the occurrence of a force majeure. In the event of a force majeure, the GUEST notifies the other party in writing no later than 7 days after the occurrence of the event.


“ALBENA” AD shall not be held liable and shall not owe indemnities and penalties to the GUEST in case of:

  • problems related to the accommodation of pets if not arranged in writing during the course of the booking as well as in case of special requests on the part of the GUEST which requests have not been confirmed by ALBENA;
  • loss of valuables, money, documents and other items left in the hotel room or another place on the grounds of the Albena holiday village;
  • damages inflicted due to the occurrence of a force majeure and caused by the non-provision or incorrect provision of the service by ALBENA or its counterparties, including also in the event of a partial or full booking cancelation by ALBENA due to reasons beyond the company’s control. If a force majeure occurs, the GUEST shall be immediately notified in writing no later than 14 after the force majeure event;
  • incorrect filling in of the booking form by the GUEST or the GUEST’s proxy  /representative;
  • full or partial cancelation of the bookings by guests after the time limits for free cancelation including due to situations when the guests may not stay due to illness, personal or family commitments, changes in the plans, apprehensions, etc.;
  • damages or cancelations due to the actions of third parties including border and customs agencies, airlines, bus and railway companies, regardless if due to these actions the guest(s) missed part of the service or even the entire service;
  • damages caused by the non-execution or incorrect execution of the contract which are attributable to the GUEST(S) when under the influence of alcohol or narcotics the GUEST(S) impede(s) the provision of the service or when the non-execution, the incorrect execution is due to vandalism or indecent behaviour on the part of the GUEST or tourist. ALBENA’s liability shall be waived even if following such behaviour the guest will be removed from the premises which are property of “Albena” AD or a subcontractor;
  • services which complement the tourist program or the stay at ALBENA, are provided by third parties and for which special documents are issued such as tickets, namely airline tickets, ferry tickets, bus tickets for regular bus lines etc. In these cases, the material and moral liability before the GUEST is held by the specific provider of said service;
  • technical problems at the accommodation location or the facilities thereto used by the GUEST because of which part of the service or the entire service may not be provided;
  • in the event of the GUEST’s / GUESTS’ refusing, declining or missing the use of paid services;
  • expenses associated with the consumption of food and drink outside the specific type of board contracted with the GUEST;
  • in the event of epidemics, pandemics, problems at the border, government bans and recommendations due to which ALBENA may not provide part of the service or the entire service.


17. Claims and Reporting of Problems

If a problem occurs during your stay, you can phone +359700 12 110  (at the price of one phone call as per your rate plan), email online@albena.bg or notify your place of accommodation in another manner. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have a problem and you need information regarding healthcare services, local authorities, and the provision of consular assistance, finding transportation from and to a specific destination.


In the event of incorrect execution of the service, the guest shall notify ALBENA, without any unjustified delay and no later than 24 hours after earning about the incorrect execution, about the discrepancy by accounting for the specific circumstances in the situation. The notification should be in writing or in another form, including by email or another technical medium which allows to reproduce the notification.

The guest has the right, within a 14-day period from using the service, to submit a claim, send messages, requests or complaints in writing, including also by email, regarding the quality of the service provided. The claims are reviewed within 30 days from their receipt and if there are grounds for the claim, the GUEST is entitled to compensation at the discretion of “Albena” AD which compensation may not exceed the value of the first night.


18. Disputes and Jurisdiction

All disputes about the emergence, existence, execution and termination of the contract shall be resolved by the parties to mutual agreement. If the parties do not reach an agreement, the dispute shall be referred to the competent court as per the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, whereas the parties determine the applicable law to be the Bulgarian laws which comprise the Tourism Act, the Trade Act etc. Each guest may initiate proceedings for an alternative resolution of consumer disputes pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act before a General Conciliatory Commission at the Commission for Consumer Protection, with headquarters in Sofia, P.O. Box 1000, ul. Vrabcha №1, et. 3, tel. +359 (0)2 9330 517, webpage www.kzp.bg, email sofia@kzp.bg. The procedure is voluntary and extrajudicial, and the decision of the body for alternative dispute resolution is not binding for the parties to the dispute. Disputes related to tourist packages purchased online may be referred also to the platform for reviewing consumer disputes supported by the European Commission which is available at the website  



19. Personal Data

“Albena” AD and the website albena.bg implement integral technical and organizational measures to protect the data provided against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, and access by unauthorized persons. The protection of your personal data is carried out in compliance with the norms of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). More information is available in  Policy on Confidentiality (GDPR).


20. Correspondence and Communication

By completing the booking for accommodation at the ALBENA hotels, you agree to receive an email containing information about your booking, destination, offers of additional services available at the ALBENA resort complex.

To complete correctly and secure your booking for accommodation, you should use a valid email address. ALBENA or its employees shall not be held liable for and are not obliged to check erroneous or incorrectly presented data including email addresses, phone numbers, credit card numbers.

ALBENA and all its clients (natural and legal persons) as well as website visitors agree that the following shall be used to contact the counterparties:



“ALBENA” AD, Unified ID Code (ЕИК) 834025872, with headquarters and registered office: village of Obrochishte 9630[MOU1] , k. k. “ALBENA” – ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING

            - by phone:   +359 700 12 110;

            - by email:  online@albena.bg

by sending a letter to: village of Obrochishte 9630, k. k. "ALBENA" – ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING

            - through the contact form on the website.


  • For the client, guest or website visitor: 

            - by calling the phone number indicated by them in the booking / correspondence;

            - by email to the address indicated by them in the booking / correspondence;

             - by sending a letter to an address indicated by them in the booking / correspondence;


The notifications and messages that the counterparties exchange by email are considered to be in writing and the counterparties shall deem these to have the same effect as a written document without the need for electronic signatures.


21. Language of Contract. Translation.

The original Bulgarian version of these rules and terms has been translated into another languages. The translated version is an expression of goodwill and constitutes solely a technical non-professional translation. In the event of a dispute regarding the content or the interpretation of these rules and terms, or discrepancies and differences between the Bulgarian version and the version of these rules and terms in any other language, the Bulgarian version which is the leading one shall prevail.


22. Rules a the Accommodation Location and the Adjoining Facilities (Aquapark, Restaurants, Swimming Pools, SPA Centre, Sports Facilities and Gyms)

ALBENA’s guests shall comply with the rules of the accommodation location and the adjoining facilities. In the accommodation locations, pets are not permitted unless this has been explicitly confirmed by ALBENA. Smoking is not permitted in the rooms and all closed spaces. The rules of using the other amenities (aquapark, swimming pools, beach area) are indicated via information signs. ALBENA shall not be held liable for damages that occurred due to the violation of rules established on site. For each broken rule set by ALBENA, the GUEST in whose name the booking was made, shall be obliged to pay a penalty of 100.00 leva within 3 days of being invited to do so. The invitation to pay the penalty may be submitted orally or in writing and is accompanied by an infraction record signed by at least 2 (two) persons: representatives, proxies or employees of ALBENA.

23. Supplemental Provisions

If some of the clauses to these rules and terms is (or will become) invalid, inapplicable or non-compulsory, you shall remain obliged to adhere to all other clauses.

The website may contain links, internet references to other websites. ALBENA shall not be held liable for the confidentiality policy and the terms of usage of the websites that it does not manage as well as for any other information available there.

All images placed on the www.albena.bg website and on other webpages offering ALBENA’s services only aim at creating some idea about the type of the offered service and not to represent them precisely. Thus, it is possible that some of the images of the services on the platform (static / dynamic images / multimedia presentations etc.) need not reflect the offered service in full and may create an erroneous impression about it. ALBENA shall not be held for such discrepancies unless these are significant.

The entire contents of the website, namely the logo jointly with the figures and the text contained therein, captions and images, sketches and plans, diagrams, graphics, design, database, descriptions, methods, processes, booking software and other items of intellectual property and copyright, the contents of the General Terms and Conditions, are property of “Albena” AD or of third parties from whom the company has obtained their consent for reproducing them and / or has a contract to use the contents only for booking purposes. ALBENA reserves all rights on the intellectual property associated in any way with the website or the services we offer. Visitors to the website may use the contents only for booking purposes. Using the contents for other purposes different from those presented in the General Terms and Conditions is deemed a violation of these General Terms and Conditions as well as a violation of the intellectual property and / or copyright.

The visitors to the website may copy, share, transfer and / or use the contents only for personal non-commercial purposes and only in those cases where this does not contradict what is foreseen in this section hereof and have received the explicit written consent from ALBENA or the third parties, holders of the copyright or other intellectual property rights who have given their consent for the use of their work and other items of intellectual property.

ALBENA gives the right to owners of other sites and consumers to publish links to the website www.albena.bg only when the reference is clear and unambiguous. It is prohibited to copy texts from the website, place them in other websites without ALBENA’s written consent or without crediting the source by adding the following text: “Source: www.albena.bg”, whereas it is compulsory that the link should lead to the cited internet page.



Priority Club Albenа is a club program for loyal guests at the holiday villages of Albena, Byalata Laguna and Forest Beach (Primorsko) which provides exclusive discounts and benefits to its guests. It entitles the holder to a personal card with a unique number. The card is issued in an electronic or plastic format. The membership rights are exercised when presenting the card and / or the unique ID number.


24.1. PRIORITY CLUB ALBENA Limited Edition

Buying club membership and a card. The card costs a fixed amount and is valid for at least 1 year. It is requested by submitting a filled-in form and a money order for having for a payment / transfer or directly though booking.albena.bg. It delivers all benefits as listed in Subsection 24.2.

24.2. The card provides:

  • 10% accommodation package discount – to be used in the hotels at the Albena holiday village, Byalata Laguna holiday village and the Forest Beach Resort holiday village (Primorsko). This discount combines consecutively with valid discounts at the moment of booking trough the direct channels if nothing else has been explicitly stated;
  • Priority discount of 10% for food and drinks in the enumerated à-la-carte restaurants in Albena - Celebritá, Montgolfier, Bistro Flamingo valid for the consumption of at most one family of 4 persons. The discount may be used from [MOU2] January 01, 2022 in Albena.
  • Choice of room number, floor, hotel sector within the chosen type of accommodation and board type. This should be specified during the booking process or no later than one month before arrival and it will be confirmed by the hotel manager if possible.
  • Early check-in and late check-out. Early check-in from 10 am with breakfast included (to be confirmed by hotel staff).
  • Late check-out until 4 pm. The hotel must be notified a day in advance (to be confirmed by hotel staff).
  • Priority check-in through the exclusive zone at or next to Reception. Valid only for 5* and 4* hotels.
  • Welcome gifts – a bowl of seasonal fruit, a bottle of Geranea wine, fruit juice (if children are present in the booking).

24.3. Terms and Conditions for the Use of the PRIORITY CLUB ALBENA Limited Edition Card:

The PRIORITY CLUB ALBENA Limited Edition card is issued to the holder of the booking and is valid for up to two adults and 2 children in the same accommodation unit. The card may not be transferred, lent or inherited. The bonuses received may not be exchanged for cash. 

The card is activated in the moment of paying for it and may be used for all bookings made after this moment. The card is valid for 1 year. The cardholder must be among the checked-in guests for the rights and privileges to apply.

24.4. Terms and Conditions Regarding the Change of a Card Holder

Changes to an already issued card are permitted after paying the amount of renewal of the membership. Once the fee is paid, the change is approved and a new card is issued. The card is issued in an electronic format. A plastic card may be issued upon request.

25. Corporate Discounts

These are discounts determined by “Albena” AD on the basis of contractual or partnership relations with a legal person or another entity. The discounts are set forth and regulated by an internal order at “Albena” AD. The person concerned should offer proof of being an employee of the company though which this person uses the specific discount.

25.1. Corporate Discount for ALBENA Shareholders

The shareholder’s discount tis -10% and is due to a natural person who has been the owner of at least 50 shares of the equity of “Albena” AD for at least 6 months as of the date of booking. The person should offer proof by providing a depository receipt when booking through a direct channel of Albena (the website, call centre, a hotel manager, the Albena Tour offices, direct sales by Flamingo Tours). The discount is valid for the accommodation of 2 adults and 2 children up to 11.99 years of age. The discount is valid only if the shareholder checks in. The shareholder’s discount is valid for accommodation and board; it does not apply to additional services.

The shareholder’s discount does NOT combine with the early-bird discounts. The shareholder’s discount combines with the discount for online bookings through the Albena website (-5%). The shareholder’s discount does not combine with other offers, discounts and promotions.

The shareholder’s discount does not offer other benefits to its user.

The booking terms are in accordance with the purchased offer / package.

26. Modification of the General Terms and Conditions

These General Terms and Conditions may be modified unilaterally by ALBENA at any time by updating them in the internet page and by complying with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act (CPA), the Trade Act and the Tourism Act. The updated General Terms and Conditions come into force immediately after publication on the website with respect to all future clients and guests as well as with regards to contracts closed before the modification with clients who are legal persons. The modifications of the General Terms and Conditions do not concern contracts closed remotely before the updating unless ALBENA has foreseen otherwise while complying with the legislation in force.

In case ALBENA wishes to make the modified General Terms and Conditions binding also for GUESTS with valid contracts (bookings) from before the updating of the terms, then the company shall notify the consumers by email within 7 days from the modification. If the GUEST does not agree with the modification in the general terms and conditions, within 1 month from receiving the notification the latter may withdraw from the contract by informing ALBENA in writing and cancel their booking without specifying a reason and without owing indemnities or penalties, or to continue executing it under the general terms in force before the modification. If the GUEST fails to do so within the specified time limit, then the updated General Terms and Conditions enter into force also with respect to the GUEST after the expiration of the 1-month period following the notification.

The General Terms and Conditions come into force immediately regarding all GUESTS, without the need for additional notification, if changes made in the terms are required by virtue of a regulatory act that has come into effect.


27. To contact us

The internet page of ALBENA www.albena.bg is operated and managed by “Albena” AD – a public joint-stock company which shares are traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. The company was established in conformity with the laws of Republic of Bulgaria. Its address is k.k. ALBENA, Dobrich Province, Bulgaria, Administrative building and it is registered in the Trade Register and in the register of non-profit legal entities.


Information about the Merchant:

Company: ALBENA AD

Address: village of Obrochishte, 9620, k. k. ALBENA

Unified ID Code (ЕИK): 834025872

Tel.: +359 700 12 110

Email: online@albena.bg


28. Authorities Regulating the Activity of ALBENA

The authorities regulating the activity of ALBENA are the Commission for Consumer Protection (CCP), the Commission for Personal Data Protection (CPDP), the Ministry of Tourism, the Province governors, the Mayor of Balchik Municipality, the Chairperson of the State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance, Financial Supervision Commission (FSC), with the following contact details:


Commission for Consumer Protection

- website: www.kzp.bg;

- contact tel.: 0700 111 22

- email:  info@kzp.bg

- address: ул. "Врабча" № 1, ет. 3,4 и 5


Commission for Personal Data Protection

- website: www.cpdp.bg

- contact tel.: 02/91-53-518

- email: kzld@cpdp.bg 

- address: Sofia, bul. “Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov” № 2

Ministry of Tourism

- website: www.tourism.government.bg

- contact tel.: 02/9046809

- email: tourism@tourism.government.bg

- address: Sofia, ul. Saborna №1


Mayor of Balchik Municipality

- website: www.balchik.bg 

- contact tel.: 0579 7 20 70

- email: mayor@balchik.bg

- address: Balchik, pl.“21 Septemvri” №6


These General Terms and Conditions are valid from January 11, 2022.

The General Terms and Conditions valid from January 14, 2021, to January 11, 2022 can be accessed  here.

The General Terms and Conditions valid until January 13, 2021, can be accessed here.

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