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Albena AD

Albena AD is the largest hotel company in Bulgaria. The company owns three resorts on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast - kk. Albena, Primorsko holiday village and Byalata Laguna holiday village, manages many subsidiaries in industries supporting the main business - transport, medicine and balneology, tour operator activity, agriculture, construction. By order of the Council of Ministers in 1991, in accordance with the requirements of the Commercial Law and the Civil Procedure Code, the existing since 1969 State Company "Albena" was transformed into a sole proprietorship "Albena" EAD, subsequently in 1997 transformed into a joint stock company. Albena AD is a public company whose shares are traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. In June 2012 Albena AD was included in the index of the companies with the best corporate governance listed on the BSE CGIX.

Albena AD owns and manages many subsidiaries, united in the Albena Economic Group. In parallel with the main tourist activity through its subsidiaries the following activities have been developed, supporting the main business:

Tour operator activity, organization of excursions and events, congress tourism, transport activity and car rental - through Albena Tour EAD and Flamingo Tours EOOD based in Germany, Albena Avtotrans AD.
Medical and balneological activity - through Medical Center "MC Medica Albena" EAD and its subsidiary "Drugstores Medica Albena" EOOD, Specialized Hospital for Rehabilitation "SBR Medica - Albena" EOOD, as well as through its associated company Health Institution "ZU "AD.
Agriculture and production of agricultural products - through the companies "Eco Agro" AD
Construction - "Ecostroy" JSC, "Active Sip" Ltd.
Aviation activity and airport activity - through Interskay AD
Investments in installations for production of electricity from waste and biomass - "Perpetuum Mobile BG" EAD
Investments, management and administration of real estate - "Tihia Kat" AD, "Alfa Consult 2000" EOOD, "Bulgaria 29", "Dobrudzhanski tekstil" AD, "Idis" AD, "Iko Business" AD, "Ahtopol Resort" EAD
Production of furniture and furnishing of hotels, restaurants, offices, shops, villas and homes - "Brest D" AD

The registered share capital of Albena AD is BGN 4,273 thousand, distributed in 4,273,126 registered shares with a nominal value of BGN 1 (one) each.

The company is public and its shares are traded on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange.

The issued shares are fully paid. All shares give equal rights to shareholders.

In January 2003 Albena AD repurchased 128,000 treasury shares worth BGN 1,536 thousand. In connection with the transformation performed through the merger of Albena Invest Holding AD (transforming company) into Albena AD (host company) on 01.11.2016 Albena AD acquired 879131 pcs. treasury shares worth BGN 3,615 thousand - the operation is presented as an effect of an infusion to the earliest comparable period 31.12.2014.

In 2016, to satisfy the shareholders of the transforming company Albena Invest Holding AD as a result of the merger Albena AD provided 994821 of its own shares.

As a result of exercises under Art. 126 of the Public Offering of Securities Act, the rights of shareholders of the terminated Albena Invest Holding AD have been repurchased. 12300 shares.

As of 31.12.2016 Albena AD owns 24610 units. own shares worth BGN 948 thousand presented in these financial statements in the item "acquired own shares".

Company profile

+359 885 853 000Yana Mitkova, Investors Relations
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